If you are in a position where you have a level of certainty regarding your income, you have an opportunity to take advantage of another likely market dip for the second time in 18 months since the Royal Commission started which is unprecedented. So, if you missed out prior to the election 2019, this may be your OPPORTUNITY.

At this point, the banks have not yet changed their lending criteria and a number are still providing significant cashback offers to refinance. Below is a simple strategy you may want to consider to ensure you have sufficient cash available to ride out the medium-term and set yourself up for the future and potential opportunities.

Currently, many of us have accessible equity in the properties we own, but as unemployment rises house prices may and most likely will drop in the short term. (Knowing that the market has increased by close to 20% since the election and Royal Commission concluded last year)

By accessing the equity now we are able to "Lock-in" that value today by "Cashing-out" and holding the money.

If prices do drop, this cash will allow you to purchase a property secured only by itself because the equity has already been released at the higher valuation amount.

The cost of this strategy is generally small and the available money offsets the loan until you are ready to use it so there is no interest cost.

Also, if you would like to close the loan, you can easily transfer the money back onto the loan and contact the bank to process the closure

A few things to consider for your personal situation:

> Having available cash may prevent your bank from granting you a repayment holiday

> You have to be disciplined and not tempted to access available cash unless absolutely necessary

If you are interested in this or other similar strategies – please contact us urgently as the window of opportunity is likely to close in the coming weeks as the banks begin to change lending policies and valuation amounts can potentially reduce.

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